PURPOSE: It is the aim of the "SKILLS & DRILLS CAMP" to provide qualified individual & small group training in basketball for boys and girls age 8 to 15. These camps are for the more serious player wanting to practice at a higher level. The camps are designed to provide individual & small group training of basketball skills through drills. The camp is a mini version of our highly popular "POSITION PLAY CAMPS". The sessions are directed by Coach Jim Baker. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental skills, techniques, individual offense, and individual improvement. Experienced instruction should greatly help the individual improve his or her skill level, offering opportunity for the development of maximum potential.
ADMISSION: The camp is open to boys and girls from the age of 8 to 15. Those who are admitted are expected to conform to proper behavior and to follow instructions and rules set by the director of the camp. Those who are unwilling to meet these standards will be dismissed
COST: The cost of the "Skill & Drills" camp is $69.00 per week. This includes instruction, t-shirt, and secondary insurance. The cost is only $49.00 if you attend another session of the Timeout Basketball Individual Camp.
DAILY SCHEDULE: 2:45-3:00 Drop Off Campers
3:00-3:05 Announcements
3:05-3:15 Stretch & Warm-up
3:15-5:00 Stations-Fundamentals-Drills Individual Instruction-Break
5:00-5:10 Camper Pick-up