Elementary: Basic fundamentals, 4 parts of shooting, basic passing, protection dribble, speed dribbling, dribbling with right & left hand, right & left hand lay-ups, pivoting, & learning the basic of the game.
Jr High: The above skills plus playing quicker & speeding skills up, change of direction & hesitation dribbling, shooting off the pass & dribble, basics of using a screen with & without ball & preparing feet and hands for shot & improving basketball I.Q.
High School: The above skills plus playing harder & quicker. Ball handling & changing speeds, adding more skills in the open court, creating space & getting shot off quicker, jump stopping with ball & posting, staying low with ball & on dribble, ball in the air-feet in the air, 4 to 5 post moves, individual one-on-one moves & adding to basketball I.Q.
Elite: The above skills plus perfecting basics skills in order to play at a higher level. Playing harder & quicker. Eliminating flaws in form & shot. Rip moves, getting open, creating space to get shot off, reading the defense, adding multiple options to one moves, counter moves with ball in post, catch & shoot without the dip, multiple options on the pick & roll, & fade-curl-pop off screens. College type individual workout & basketball I.Q. on the next level.